
Kuro to kin no akanai kagi breadmasterlee
Kuro to kin no akanai kagi breadmasterlee

kuro to kin no akanai kagi breadmasterlee


Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi only knows how to be either stupid or downright offensive. There is nothing redeemable about this anime. I feel like I didn’t word my disgust enough in this review, so let me reiterate. Pretty much how I feel after watching this Sadly enough they didn’t get enough screentime to come off as douchebags, but I’m sure I would have hated them as well. There’s the hair stylist with no sense of personal boundaries and stalker-like tendencies, the former classmate who can’t seem to take no for an answer, the female friend who is a total bitch for no reason… And well there was also a teacher and another friend. Because, you know, having likeable guys in an otome game would be like having the ending of Neon Genesis Evangelion make actual sense. The rest of the cast also consists of annoying douchenozzles. It’d be pretty sad if it weren’t so damn idiotic. Dear heavens me, never has anyone missed to point so facepalmingly hard. No, girl, the problem is not that you rejected his feelings after he tried to rape you, it's that he fucking tried to rape you. Reverse harem protagonists are bland by default, but Kanade is not only completely devoid of any kind of personality, she also does incredibly fucking stupid things. Look at that smug face someone needs to ram a cactus up his ass What do you want him to be, director? An innocent and shy boy with a rather unhealthy obsession with his sister? Or a total asshole who has no qualms with raping said sister? You can’t keep switching personalities between scenes and expect us to somehow care for your character. His characterization was pretty inconsistent throughout the story as well. Believe it or not, otome game producers, telling a girl she can’t talk or even look at another guy is not the epitome of romance. He’s abusive, overly jealous and very possessive. So if you’re a fan of Satoshi Hino or Kousuke Toriumi, you might be able to sit through this OVA. They actually got some pretty nice voice-actors to do the roles. The voice-acting was okay, not spectacular or anything. I can’t remember the background music at all. There is little actual animation as the show consists mostly of panning shots and quite a few still frames with people talking over them. The characters designs are like those in any other otome game adaptation. Stories don't need to make any sense, obviously. Incest wincest, amirite? There also seems to be some time travel or magic involved, but fuck explaining that. And don’t forget that they’re technically brother and sister. It’s basically just one clear dick-into-vagina visual away from being a hentai.

kuro to kin no akanai kagi breadmasterlee kuro to kin no akanai kagi breadmasterlee kuro to kin no akanai kagi breadmasterlee

No delicate parts are shown, but expect some boobs, naked butts and thrusting action. Not the ‘slow transition to dampened windows, suggestive imagery’ kind either. At this point it might also be a good idea to mention that there are a couple of sex scenes in this show. The amount of idiocy that lead to the ending can not be comprehended by sane minds. Because nothings says “I love you” more than almost raping someone and then guilt tripping them into a relationship. And that route is apparently built entirely on sexual assault. You see, this OVA adapted the one route in the otome game where you get together with Ikuto. Her brother sees them, gets jealous and boy, does it only go downhill from there. After that, she bumps into a former classmate who has to be one of the most obnoxious flirts ever and they somehow end up walking home together. Nothing as romantic as casual facial scarringĪnd what do you know, she turns out to actually be a total beauty. One day she finally decides to venture into the outside world, where she meets a hair stylist who fixes her up for free, because that’s totally not creepy or anything. Why, you ask? God knows why, but the story demands it, so shush. Kanade is a total recluse, living alone with her brother Ikuto (hey, don’t worry, they’re not related by blood, so you don’t have to feel all grossed out later!), not even able to leave the safety of her own room. What, you still want to know more? Fine, but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. Goodbye and enjoy your life not having seen this garbage. Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi is based on an adult otome game and is a despicable piece of shit that shouldn’t be viewed by anyone. Read other reviews of Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi.

Kuro to kin no akanai kagi breadmasterlee